School Helpline - UTKARSH : +91 141 2983262

Advisory for Students

Advisory for Students (2023-24)

  • Entry into school premises is allowed only 10 minutes prior to the last entry bell. 
  • It is compulsory to bring the School ID Card and School Diary on daily basis.
  • On regular working days and school functions the students are expected to wear neatly laundered uniform prescribed for the season and polished shoes.
  • The name of the owner should be on all personal items, such as uniforms, books, lunch boxes, etc. Any loss is not the school's responsibility.
  • Personal cleanliness and hygiene are expected from all. Hair should be trimmed and nails must be cut regularly. Girls with long hair should make plaits. 
  • Throughout any out-of-class activity or session, movement should be quiet and orderly and must follow the railing's path.
  • Students must carry Transit Pass if moving out of the class during period.
  • Late arrival will not be permitted.
  • Use of ornaments or jewellery, smart watch or any kind of expensive or fancy articles/accessories in the school is strictly prohibited.
  • No magazines, papers or books other than textbooks or the school library books may be brought to the school. 
  • All should be particularly careful not to throw waste material, paper etc. anywhere in the school premises instead use the bins specially provided for this purpose. 
  • Students are not allowed to use school telephone without the permission of the class teacher/coordinator. They will not be called to answer phone calls during class hours.
  • Any type of bullying, including cyberbullying, using foul language, and writing or scratching on school property or walls is strictly prohibited.

The disciplinary committee will deal with any inappropriate behaviour or violations of school rules, and remedial action will be done. In severe circumstances, parents will be contacted to talk about their child's behaviour.



Our Sports Policy defines procedure, practice and a course of action. It serves as a mode of management and a code of conduct.

  • Every SUBODHIAN is encouraged to participate in sports and games in the proper spirit, with the goal of developing their talents and good sportsmanship.
  • All participating students shall go through the attached discipline-specific rules very carefully before participating in any of the sports at any level.
  • Students are expected to maintain discipline on the playground and must wear proper sports uniform and shoes while playing any game.
  • Only the Morning School Sports Session will be used to make all decisions regarding participation in sports. Students unable to attend trials will not be entertained later.
  • Disqualification will result from any player's unfair involvement in any event.
  • For any damage to sports equipment, a fine will be charged.
  • Students from other Sports Academies must notify the school office, the sports department, and the class teacher well in advance if they plan to participate.
  • In case if any student has a medical issue/allergy/asthma, but is willing to participate, the student must inform the Class Teacher and Sports Department.
  • Students must bring their medication with them in case of any health issues.
  • If any player competes under the flag or banner of SGFI/CBSE/Federation, the school reserves the right to provide scholarship to the National Medalist exclusively. That is up to the school management committee's judgment.
  • Students should not be seen loitering around on the School Ground without any official reason. Disciplinary action will be taken against the defaulter.
  • If any sports participant is found involved in any indisciplinary activity/s, he/she will be debarred from the tournament immediately.
  • No student is permitted to give up sports activity once selected, on any ground other than medical reasons and miss a practice or match without permission from his coach in advance.
  • Personal sporting equipment cannot be brought into school without the Sports Department's approval.