School Helpline - UTKARSH : +91 9929944932

For Parents

In continuation with the collaborative efforts by school for shaping the behaviour of our children, we strongly recommend optimum “Behaviour Observation and Management” by parents. We encourage positive parenting practices for prevention/ remediation of behavioural or emotional problems in young children.

You are kindly advised to ensure following:

  • Keep random checks on screen time/use of mobile phones.
  • Be informed and aware about arrival and departure timings of school.
  • Check school bags randomly.
  • Be attentive and assured by keeping a check on your ward's peer group.
  • Always reinforce “Healthy Communication” with your child.
  • Set yourself as a role model
  • Always reward positive behaviour
  • Be aware about “How they spend money”?
  • Be cognizant for the language used by child.
  • Support and involve other practitioner (where appropriate) to help see the behaviour in context.
  • Don't make your child fearful, anxious, and ignorant by adopting punitive methods. It may worsen the behaviour.
  • Encourage good nutrition for good health.
  • Foster healthy routine including physical exercise, meditation and spare time for recreational activities.

Note: Feel free to contact School Counsellor (when required) during school hours.

As per school's “Food code of conduct”, we always put our efforts to inculcate healthy eating habits and promote good nutrition in children. Good Nutrition is key to Good Health and help us to boost our immunity. In this regard, this is kindly advised to ensure the following:

  • Serve a variety of healthy foods and snacks including veggies (all green leafy and other vegetables), fruits, pulses & cereals in lunch box and family meals.
  • Avoid sending pickles & junk food in lunch box.
  • Do not send such items in lunch that need to keep refrigerated.
  • Be a role model by eating healthy yourself.
  • Limit fast food and low-nutrient snacks in diet.
  • Limit sugary drinks, such as soda and fruit-flavoured drinks. Serve water and low-fat milk instead.
  • Involve kids in the process of meal planning by brainstorming about what kinds of foods they'd like for lunch.

To ensure safety and security of our school children, school has planned a robust working model encompassing various areas to maintain a safe, secure and healthy environment viz.

  1. Section I - Physical Safety
  2. Section II - Emotional and Personal Safety
  3. Section III - Social Safety
  4. Section IV - Emergency Preparedness
  5. Section V - Cyber Safety